مُمَهِدَاتْ... وحقيق أن تبادر المرأة المثقّفة الملتزمة الواعية فتمهد الطريق وتفتح الآفاق.

Hadiths about Fatima Al Zahraa (A.S)

Hadiths about Fatima Al Zahraa (A.S)

Hadiths  about  Fatima AL Zahraa (A.S):
1- The  Prophet (s) said, “On the Day of Judgment, a Caller Will Call out, “Lower your gaze until Fatima has passed”.
2- The Prophet (s) said, “When I long for the fragrance of Paradise I smell the neck of Fatima”.
3- The  Prophet (s) said, ”Oh, Ali, Jibreel  Has informed me that God has married you to Fatima”.
4- The  Prophet (s) said, ”I am not pleased unless Fatima is Pleased”.
5- The  Prophet (s) said, ”Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry uou to Fatima”.
6- The  Prophet (s) said, “Verily, God married Ali to Fatima”.
7- The  Prophet (s) said, “All the children of a mother are attributed to their fatherly relation except the sons of Fatima”.
8- The  Prophet (s) said, “All the children of a Woman are attributed to their father, but not the sons of Fatima”.
9- The  Prophet (s) said, “The most beloved of my family to me is Fatima”.
10- The  Prophet (s) said, “The four greatest Women in the Universe are Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima”.
11- The  Prophet (s) said, “The head of the Women of Paradise is Fatima”.
12- The  Prophet (s) said, “If I Were separated from the fruits of Paradise I would Kiss Fatima”.
13- The  Prophet (s) said, “Many Men have reached completion, but no women have reached completion except four: Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima”.
14- The  Prophet (s) said, “The first people to enter paradise will be Ali and Fatima”.
15- The  Prophet (s) said, “The verse of purification was revealed concerning five people: Myself, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, and Fatima”.
16- The  Prophet (s) said, “The best Women in Paradise Will be Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima”.
17- The  Prophet (s) said, “The first one to enter Paradise Will be Fatima”.
18- The  Prophet (s) said, “The Mehdi is From my family, from the sons of Fatima”.
19- The  Prophet (s) said, “Verily, God has eeaned (Fatima in Arabic) my daughter Fatima and her Children and those who love them from the Hellfire, and that is why she is named Fatima”.
20- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima, you will be the amongst my Ahlul- Bayt to follow after me”.
21- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me. Whatever upsets her upsets me, and whatever harms her harms me”.
22- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me, and whoever pleases her, pleases me”.
23- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me, and whoever makes her angry, makes me angry”.
24- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is a maiden of Paradise created in human form”.
25- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me, whatever harms her harms me, and whatever is against her is against me”.
26- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her”.
27- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me and she is my heart and the soul which is between my two sides”.
28- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is the head of women of my nation”.
29- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is a branch of me, what pleases her pleases me, and what saddens her, saddens me”.
30- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is part of me, whoever harms her has harmed me”.
31- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is the joy of my heart, and her sons are the fruit of my soul”.
32- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is not like the women of the children of Adam”.
33- The  Prophet (s) said, “Oh Fatima, Verily God is angry when you are angry”.
34- The  Prophet (s) said, “Fatima, God will not torture you or any of your children”.

Source: Noor Al Islam, NO. 153-154.

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