مُمَهِدَاتْ... وحقيق أن تبادر المرأة المثقّفة الملتزمة الواعية فتمهد الطريق وتفتح الآفاق.

Prophet Muhammad’s Respect and Love for Women

Prophet Muhammad’s Respect and Love for Women

Inspiration from the Seerah
I read about the man who supported his wife Khadija in business enterprises and who respected her and who loved her.]…[ when he returned from the cave of Hira after his first encounter with Archangel Gabriel, He knew Khadija would be able to help him and give him solace – she was a strong and intellectual woman whom he loved all his life. He respected her
I thought about Fatima and how gentle and tender her father was. How he played with her as a little girl and cared for her. How he sought her approval when one of the best men of that time sought her hand in marriage. He loved her
These are only two cases from the Prophet’s immediate family and they illustrate relationships of trust, respect and love. We all know of other cases: women praying in the mosque in congregations led by him; women being sent teachers when they complained that they did not have access to Islamic teachings; women who fought in battlefields and women who were celebrated for being mothers –all in our Prophet’s lifetime and usually illustrated by his own egalitarian behavior towards women
And so to conclude, every time we hear of women being denied respect and rights -whether these are Muslim women or not– as Muslims we must reflect back to what Prophet Muhammad did. We must try in all our weaknesses and faults to emulate his style – justness, fairness, steadfastness, boldness. I say this about the Prophet in many contexts and I say it again in the context of women
Let us look back to Prophet Muhammad's life and his example and let us do what he did and then perhaps we shall no more hear of women being abused or deprived of rights or respect. Well! At least to begin with our own communities and then perhaps we could become, as God intends us to be, examples for the rest of humanity



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